All cancellation requests must be initiated within 12 hours of placing the order or before your order has been shipped, whichever happens first. We can only cancel orders if they haven’t been shipped out of our warehouse.
Refunds and Replacements
High costs are involved in making sure everything is packed with extreme care. Hence, refunds are not possible. Although, all orders placed on our website are eligible for replacement, only in the below scenarios:
- The replacement request has to be initiated within a maximum of 7 days of delivery and the reason should be explicitly stated in the email (We’d love to know what went wrong).
- If in case you have received a product that is different from what you had ordered, please notify us within 7 days of delivery so that we can expedite your replacement request.
- If any item is missing from your order, please reach out to us within 7 days of delivery and we will get the remaining items shipped.
- We ensure that you receive the freshest Teas but if in case you feel that it tastes bad or stale please do not hesitate to reach out to us for a replacement.
Send your emails at